The purpose of my survey:

To gather data about the library usage at GGC. It was something that I thought could be useful to the students as well as the library. The survey gave students the opportunity to state their opinion that may be taken into consideration. While as for the library, they will appreciate the time the students took to do this and the feedback that was given regardless of the results being positive or negative.

My Wufoo survey:

Summary of my survey:

The data of the survey basically included the results of the questions the students were asked. The survey consisted of five questions. One question asked the students' reason for going to the library. All the answers were different. Another question asked,  during the semester how many times have you been to the library? Surpringly, only one person said Never Been. While majority of the others said Have Been between one to two times. Another question asked the students to rank the library quality on a scale of one to five, one being the lowest and five being the highest. Majority rated three while one to two people rated three.

Link to data in Excel: 

library survey results2.xlsx library survey results2.xlsx
Size : 0.013 Kb
Type : xlsx
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